Monday, September 15, 2014

The Sirens

      Hi guys, it has been crazy around here, but we have went to the land of the dead. There I found my crew member Elpenor, and my mother, Anticlea,  that was a gut wrenching day. Even though  we came to speak to Tiresias. He told me of the troubles ahead of me. After that we set sail for Ithaca once again but knew what was ahead.
      Their was sirens up ahead so I melted wax and told the men to tie me to the mast after I put wax on all of their ears. Their song about their life was beautiful with each note. I struggled to get free and told them to untie me but they tied me back with more rope. Once we were far enough way they pulled the wax off their ears and untied me. Then we were past that obstacle in our path.

      Now that we have pasted that part we are on are way to were we will most likely loose men. I don't know whether to tell them about it or if they will be too frightened to continue. I will have to think about this for awhile but in the mean time O's out guys.

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