Hey everyone! O. checking in again. I'm so pumped I'm finally home after 20 long years. I had to dress like a beggar so nobody would recognize me as Odysseus. My wife, Penelope, had heard me and one of the suitors fighting. She wanted to talk to me to see if I had seen or heard from O. on his journey. When I approached the beautiful Penelope, she bombarded me with questions about myself and where I come from, and if I have family. I completely ignored what she asked me and just complimented her and told her that my heart is sore and I could not find myself weeping in another's house. I asked her why she didn't go off and marry one of the suitors. She then explained, saying she felt that Odysseus was still out there and alive. After she explained, she asked me about Odysseus. I lied, said that her husband will be home soon and that he alive and well.
- Odysseus
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